1. What is the difference between seeking a psychiatrist versus a psychologist for my mental health problems?
Typically, psychiatrists' primary mode of providing mental health care is through prescribing medication to help manage moods, behavior, and focus. They may provide simple supportive talk therapy.
Psychologists' predominant mode of providing mental health care is through psychotherapy. There are numerous evidence influenced psychotherapeutic approaches that may be utilized to help resolve problems related to mood, behavior, focus, relationships, identity, and experiences.
Many times a person can be seeing both types of professionals when care is collaborated.
2. Do I need to be crazy to seek mental health treatment?
First, "crazy" is not a term the professional mental health community use to describe people with thoughts and/or behavior that are personally distressing and one end of the continuum to abnormally impairing at the other end. What both have in common is a subjective sense of difficulty adapting with ones self or others around them. This is not crazy.
3. What is the difference between an M.D. and a D.O.?
A major difference between D.O.s and M.D.s is that some doctors of osteopathic medicine use manual medicine as part of treatment. Manual medicine can include hands-on work on joints and tissues and massage.
4. What do I do if I do not like my doctor or therapist?
Let the provider know your concern and expectation. If received well, your provider will make an effort to improve. If not, you may request or seek a different provider.
5. Are they going to lock me up if I see a mental health professional?
This is an unrealistic fear for the overwhelming majority of mental healthcare users. Protected inpatient hospitalization occur when it is determined that a person poses an imminent risk to kill someone or one's self or the person is mentally compromised resulting in an inability to provide independent daily self care safely with a reliable person to provide it. It is always a compassionate decision to preserve life.
6. Is my employer going to find out that I am seeking mental health care? Professional privacy mandates typically require approval by you in order to release personal mental health care information to your employer.
7. What is the difference between a psychologist with a Ph.D. or Psy.D.?
A PhD is typically viewed as a research-oriented degree under the scientist-practitioner model. A Psy.D. is typically viewed as an appropriate degree for someone with clinical aspirations under the scholar-practitioner model that is more of a consumer of research, not a conductor of it.
8. May i use my cat as a service animal?
Only dogs are recognized as service animals under titles II and III of the ADA.
A service animal is a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability.
Generally, title II and title III entities must permit service animals to accompany people with disabilities in all areas where members of the public are allowed to go
9. What are the primary barriers to seek healthcare help for African Americans?
Lack of insurance and lack of income,
10. Why is there health care distrust for African-Americans?
There has been a history of misdiagnosis, inferior treatment, racial bias, cultural competence, and medical negligence for some African-Americans by the medical community.
11. What is the least expensive way to have mental health care?
Upon careful searching, one can find providers/organizations who will provide free services with qualifying low income patients. Next is that there are providers/organizations that charge fees based upon income level.